Winter peach fruit bagging technology

First, winter peach bag matching management technology

(1) Winter deep plowing orchard, trunk white, reduce the base and density of overwintering pests.

(2) Fine pruning, so that the fruit tree to achieve the best group structure.

(3) Spray of medicament, sprayed with thiophanate-methyl 800-fold solution before bagging.

(4) Thinning and sparse fruit trees are used to carry out thinning and fruit thinning according to tree vigor. Bagging generally uses good single fruit and generally leaves a fruit at about 15 cm. Strong trees can retain more than adequate, and weak trees need less fruit.

Second, bagging period. The bag is bagged 40-60 days after the winter peach.

Third, the bagging object. Orchards that are standardized, well-grown, and well-managed should be bagged to achieve the desired results.

Fourth, paper bag selection. Select a paper bag that is resistant to rain erosion, wind and sun, and good quality.

Fifth, bagging method. The bagging sequence must be performed first, then back, first inside and then outside. When operating, first open the bag mouth, shoot the bottom of the bag, grasp the handle with one hand, and grasp the bottom of the bag with one hand. Put the young fruit bag mouth tear into the middle of the bag. And use the wire to tie the bag mouth.

Frozen Squid Tentacles

Frozen squid tentacles are the arms or tentacles of a squid that have been frozen for preservation. Squid tentacles are commonly used in cooking and are popular in many cuisines around the world. They can be grilled, fried, sautéed, or used in soups and stews. Frozen squid tentacles are convenient to use as they can be stored in the freezer for an extended period and can be thawed and cooked as needed. They are also a good source of protein and low in fat, making them a healthy addition to any meal.

Zhoushan Fudan Tourism CO., LTD ,