Pay attention to prevention and cure of brown plant disease of eggplant in summer

High temperature and high humidity in summer brings about high humidity, which is very conducive to the occurrence of brownie disease in eggplant. The incidence of seedling stage is caused by the lack of plants, and the adult stage leaves with dark spots. The resulting disease causes fruit rot, and the prevention and treatment will cause serious losses to the vegetable farmers. Therefore, we must do early prevention and early treatment of brown smut disease.

The most suitable temperature for the development of Brassica elegans germplasm is 28°C~30°C, and the relative humidity is above 80%. High temperature, high humidity, continuous rain and rain, heavy crops, excessive density, excessive N fertilizer application can cause the occurrence and epidemic of the disease. . Its prevention and control methods are as follows:

First, agricultural control sowing with 55 °C water sowing seeds for 10 to 15 minutes, or soaked with formalin for 15 minutes, rinse with water after germination sowing. 2~3 years of rotation with non-solanum crops. Apply enough basal fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers without applying nitrogenous fertilizer. When watering, it is necessary to pour water in small quantities, and the surface must be dry and wet. The plant is densely planted in a timely manner, pruning in time and improving the ventilation and light transmission in the field.

Second, chemical control sowing per square meter with 50% carbendazim WP 10 grams, 50% omeprazole WP 10 grams, mixed with fine soil 2 kilograms made of medicine soil, take 1/3 sprinkle in 畦Sow the seeds and then cover the seeds with the rest of the medicinal soil.

Third, the incidence of seedling stage, can be sprayed 50% Caxar 500 times, or 60% of the US 500 times Fumei zinc. After planting, herbicide ash or lime powder can be sterilized at the stem base. The results can be sprayed with 40% Fuxing 5000 to 6000 times, or 80% of new Wansheng WP 500 to 800 times, or Wan Yu Ling WP 500 to 800 times, or 43% Fuli Library 4000 times. liquid. Spray once every 7~10 days, spray 2~3 times. To prevent drug resistance, the above pesticides can be used interchangeably.

Milk Thistle Extract

Milk Thistle extract powder silymarin is a native to central and western Europe, especially close to the Mediterranean, that was introduced and naturalized in California and other parts of the United States of America. It is found mainly on dry rocky or stony soils in wastelands, especially by buildings, hedge banks, fields and by roadsides up to an altitude of around 600 metres or 2000 feet. The Milk thistle is an annual or biennial, its height is from 30 to 150 cm (1 foot to 4 feet) tall, it has a seldom branched erect stem that is prominently grooved. It has large leaves that are oblong, smooth and shiny, marked with white veins.

Silymarin is kind of a flavonoid lignans compounds extracted from the seed coats of the medicinal compositae Silybum marianum, yellow or brown powder, bitter in taste. Ethyl Acetate, Ethanol and Methanol, Hardly soluble in chloroform, insoluble in water. The main ingredients are : Silybin, Isosilybin, Silydianin, Silychristin, etc

Milk Thistle Extract,Milk Thistle Extract Powder,Milk Thistle Extract Silymarin,Milk Thistle Extract Powder Silymarin