Mobility is an important part of the overall digital strategy of biopharmaceutical companies and will play an important role in linking the disparate stakeholders in the healthcare industry , such as patients, payers, medical device companies, governments and regulatory agencies. effect. By bringing all of these entities together, mobile healthcare will go through a process of gradual maturity, from independent projects to industry-wide businesses. The problem facing biopharmaceutical companies is: What role do they play in the mobile healthcare arena to improve the health of patients and enhance their current and future business opportunities? Given the sources of medical resources, the rapid development of mobile technology, and the emergence of innovations in care and disease management, biopharmaceutical companies should have sufficient incentives to answer this question. The mobile medical business opportunities faced by chart biopharmaceutical companies show that biopharmaceutical companies can participate in this area at three levels, and the map also outlines the business opportunities and benefits brought about by each of the participating levels. They include the use of mobile medical opportunities to achieve and improve drug adherence, companies should at least take advantage of the basic benefits, as well as the comprehensive benefits of improving patient care and reducing medical costs. Endoscope Instruments,Endoscope Autoclavable Lense,Laparoscope Instruments,Ureterorenoscopy Set ZHEJIANG SHENDASIAO MEDICAL INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD. ,