Betel nut side effects and hazards

Betel nut damage and side effects

In the so-called betel nut, the chewing block is mainly composed of betel nut fruit, and leaves, flower vines and lime are used as ingredients. Betel nut fruit: commonly known as Jing Zi, contains a variety of ingredients, of which the "betel nut element" and "arecoline" of these two components by domestic and foreign research results show that there is a potential carcinogenicity. The "betel nut element" can promote motility of the digestive tract, shrink the pupil, and reduce heart rate. When the normal amount increases, saliva secretion and sweating can be increased. However, when consumed in large quantities, the activity of the betel nut is inhibited and the action is delayed. Ingredients: In addition to leaves may not be carcinogenic, other ingredients (flowers, vines) contain carcinogenic chemicals. And because lime forms a highly alkaline environment in the oral cavity, the epidermal cells of the oral mucosa will be destroyed, resulting in epidermal cell proliferation and mutation, and then produce oral cancer.

Betel nut toxicity: Excessive arecoline caused runny nose, vomiting, diuretic, lethargy and convulsions. If it is caused by oral administration, it can be used gastric lavage with potassium permanganate solution and injection of atropine.

Medication taboo

This product is laxative, and easy to consume gas, so the spleen deficiency stool or qi deficiency subsidence were hanged; pregnant women with caution.

Qi squats are prohibited.

[2] According to clinical observation, the common side effects of betel nut are nausea and vomiting (20-30%), abdominal pain, dizziness and palpitation, and cold clothes can reduce vomiting. Very few people have peptic ulcers and vomiting blood. Excessive use of arecoline can cause runny nose and vomiting. Drowsiness and convulsions, if caused by internal or external use, can be gastric lavage with potassium permanganate, and injection of atropine to detoxify.


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