What does it take to eat?

In the hot summer months, great heat is just in the hottest days of the year. So, what good to eat on the dog days? Xiao Bian gave you a detailed description of what Dashu eats. Click here to read more

Great summer diet topic

Big heat is the hottest year in the year. What does it have to eat in the summer, and how can you eat it without heat stroke?


What is great for summer heat?

What does big summer eat - vinegar

Vinegar is essential in cooking and putting vinegar in summer dishes is even more beneficial. In the summer, bacteria are actively breeding and intestinal infectious diseases are increased. At this time, vinegar can have a strong killing effect on various germs.

What to eat during the summer heat - bitter vegetables

As the saying goes: hot food "bitter" is better than tonic. Bitter foods contain amino acids, bittersin, alkaloids, etc. They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antipyretic, refreshing, and fatigue-reducing effects.

What to eat during the summer heat - duck meat

Duck meat is sweet, salty, and cool. From the perspective of the treatment principles of Chinese medicine “The Heat is cold”, it is particularly suitable for people with hot body, such as low-grade fever, weakness, low food, and dry stools.

What to eat during the summer heat - hot tea

Tea is rich in potassium, both thirst and lack of solution. A study in the United States pointed out that drinking green tea can also reduce one-third of sunburn-induced skin sunburn, relaxation and roughness. According to tests conducted by British experts, the cooling capacity of hot tea is much higher than that of cold beverage products, but it is the best in hot drinks.

What does big summer eat - watermelon

The watermelon is sweet and cold, and the folk is also called “cold melon”. It is the first choice for melons to quench their thirst. Folks have the saying “Half a day, melons, and summer heat can be counted”. When summer heatstroke, fever, upsetness, thirst, or other acute fever occur, it is advisable to use watermelon for adjuvant therapy.

What to eat during the summer heat - mung bean porridge

Eating porridge foods in summer is a traditional method of health care in our country and it is of great benefit to the body. Drink porridge is best to drink mung bean porridge, mung bean cool, there is the effectiveness of heat Jieshu. Congee used for sunstroke prevention includes lotus leaf porridge, fresh porridge, and raw reed porridge.

What does big summer eat - fruit and vegetable juice

When the limbs are tired in the summer, it is a good choice to drink more fruits and vegetables. Because fresh fruit and vegetable juice can effectively supplement the body with vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other minerals, can enhance cell viability and gastrointestinal function, promote secretion of digestive juice, eliminate fatigue.

What does a big summer eat?

The results of the studies of German and Dutch scientists show that eating more tomatoes can protect against sun. If 40 grams of tomato sauce is eaten daily, the risk of sunburn will be reduced by 40%. Scientists believe that it may be that Lycopene plays a major role.

What does the South Great Hot Spring eat? July 23 is the Great Hot Summer. There are different customs in the South and the North, and “eating” is even more different. Today, Xiao Bian introduces you to what you eat in the Great Hot Summer. Look at these big summer eating customs. You have heard !

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