Under normal circumstances, 3 to 10 days after weaning, the sow can be estrus and breeding, there is also estrus without weaning, and for a long time no estrus or heat from the fetus, we must identify the reasons: disease, nutrition, management, etc. Restore species as soon as possible. 1, promote early weaning. 2. The first sow should not be weaned later than 28 days. 3, 2 to 3 days before weaning sows should be reduced as appropriate to feed, in order to promote return milk, vitamin B6, etc. should be added to reduce the incidence of mastitis. 4, according to breeds, parity, body weight, weight loss circumstances, as appropriate, feeding and management, especially for the first two of the more significant effect. 5, should not change the feed on the day of weaning, to the best day of restocking refueling, pay attention not to waste feed. 6, rapid conception. It is ideal to add seeds within 7 days after weaning. Vitamin E 200mg and carotene 400g are added daily until 21 days after mating, which can promote ovulation and increase litter size. Empty sow bacheng cricket, easy to conceive, high birth rate. The weight loss of the sow after the third trimester basically did not affect the estrus. 7. Weaned at the same time as the variety, parity, and body weight. It is advisable to use 4 to 6 heads of group rearing. 8, accelerate estrus. Boar stimuli (tactile, odor, auditory, and visual stimuli are very important for optimizing reproductive performance, but it is unwise to be bred with boars), Chinese and Western veterinary drugs (fried leeks and brown sugar), sex hormones, Breast massage (after daily feeding, massage 10 minutes on the skin on both sides of the breast, change to 5 minutes after estrus, and press 10 minutes in the morning on the day of mating to induce ovulation). Suggestion: After the weaning sow 10-15 days after weaning can use hormones, it is necessary to inject again once every two weeks. 9, long-term estrus, long without the fetus, should focus on feeding and management, or resolutely eliminated. 10, pay attention to deworming, 1 per child. 11, do a good job of immunization, regular and regular detection of antibodies, and record. 12 update, eliminated. Early weaning can not only prevent the vertical transmission of many diseases, but also increase the number of fetuses per year. However, early weaned piglets need meticulous care. The key to increasing the number of fetuses per year when gilts are estrus and maturing as soon as possible is to promote the use of hormones to shorten the time from weaning to estrus and increase the rate of conception. According to Drama Research, sows exposed to exogenous estrogens or other analogues 11 to 14 days after estrus can cause false pregnancies without matching species, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of implanted embryos, which in turn causes low litter size. After weaning, the sow should be reared on the same column according to the parity, size, and lyrx, which means that the vertical transmission of the disease is reduced, and the weak (thin sows are mostly farrowing, with lots of lice, and with good milk) are avoided. Injury or malnutrition caused premature elimination. This method is particularly effective for the first three children. In addition, check the breasts 2 or 3 times a day to squeeze out the remaining milk. If the breasts are found to be hard and not to be milky, use a warm, moist cloth to massage the breasts and squeeze the milk. Second, put the piglets back to the sows. Milk, making the breast soft, can effectively prevent the occurrence of mastitis. Breast Pump Accessory,Bell Horn Hood,Nipple Protective Cover,Silicone Nipple Protective Cover NINGBO YOUHE MOTHER&BABY PRODUCTS CO.,LTD , https://www.oembreastpump.com