The new vaccine disposable wipe out many virus variants

The new vaccine disposable wipe out many virus variants

October 10, 2016 Source: Drug Information Network

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The vaccine contains dozens of different rhinoviruses, the culprit that causes the common cold. This combination can get rid of it.

Through experiments with mouse and marmoset levels, the researchers found that the vaccine, when injected into animals, produced specific antibodies against all the viruses contained in the vaccine, which would allow the vaccine to eliminate multiple viral variants at once.

"It's amazing that almost no one has tried this method in the past 50 years," says Martin Moore, one of the researchers at Emory University. "We just mix 50 different rhinovirus strains." Together, they produced a mixed version of the vaccine."

This vaccine is currently not able to cure the common cold, but it can help the body's immune system to respond effectively to the virus, at least at the animal level. If the results can be repeated, the next step is to conduct a clinical trial.

In the past few decades, although scientists have made unremitting efforts and have a successful experience in resisting rhinoviruses, it is difficult to find an effective cure because rhinovirus variants are so large.

In severe cases, rhinovirus infection can also cause asthma and ear canal infections.

The researchers tested a mixed vaccine of 25 rhinovirus strains at the mouse level, which is 50 at the simian level. Both trials showed that the animals were able to produce an effective antibody response against the vaccine.

Catalysts & Chemical Auxiliary

Potassium superoxide,Chemical oxygen self-rescue device,12030-88-5,KO2,Lithium t-butoxide,Lithium tert-butoxide,1907-33-1,Lithium chloride,7447-41-8,MAGNESIUM METHOXIDE,109-88-6,Magnesium ethoxide,2414-98-4

Potassium superoxide,Chemical oxygen self-rescue device,12030-88-5,KO2,Lithium t-butoxide,Lithium tert-butoxide,1907-33-1,Lithium chloride,7447-41-8,MAGNESIUM METHOXIDE,109-88-6,Magnesium ethoxide,2414-98-4

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