People with heavy moisture can not eat anything

People with heavy body moisture often feel limb weakness, drowsiness, appetite will be greatly reduced, serious there will be some of the phenomenon of gastroenteritis. In short, the humidity in the body can make people feel uncomfortable. Many times, the body's excessive moisture is caused by improper diet. People with moisture in the body can not eat many foods, so there is wet. What can you eat?


Humidity can eat red dates?

Humidity can not eat red dates.

Although jujube is useful, it may not be suitable for everyone. For example, people who cough and have more than one cough are unfit for food. Also, people with heavy moisture cannot eat red dates.

Because the jujube will stagnate the spleen, resulting in bad spleen and stomach will be transported, will be trapped in moisture, so wet and heavy bloating people, as usual tired or thicker, etc., eat less, otherwise it will increase the symptoms of wet weight.

Also, jujube sweet, sweet foods will help wet, eat more easily phlegm dampness caused by water accumulation in the body, and increase edema symptoms.

At the same time, women who take hot dates to take supplements but are physically hot are also not suitable for menstrual periods, as this may cause excessive menstrual bleeding and harm to health.

People with heavy moisture can not eat anything

Not only jujube, but people with heavy moisture should also pay attention to their daily diet, and these foods should be eaten with caution. In general, cold, sticky, poorly digested, and other people with high moisture content are better able to avoid avoidance, but the specific food depends on the approach and the season, such as the melons in the plants, suitable for summer eating anyway, fall After the cold is more prominent.

Another example is the fact that the chicken is calm and slightly warm (while ducks are considered relatively leaner and more humid), but if it is greasy, it will have a certain reaction if the chicken has a heavy moisture. There are many examples such as this. Although food does have various biases, it is not proper to mechanically say what can be eaten. It is best to maintain a certain variety of foods and not to overeating. As long as you pay attention to the nature of foods, you must focus on them.

Cold foods such as

Bitter gourd, cantaloupe, watermelon, pear, banana, kiwi, mango, persimmon, coriander, melon, grapefruit and so on.

Sticky foods such as

Dumplings, moon cakes, cream cakes, chocolate, glutinous rice cakes, etc.

Bad foods such as

Fried foods, spicy foods, beans, onions, etc.

Cold food

For people with heavy body moisture, cold and cold food must eat less, because these cold and cold foods will lead to increased moisture in the body, of course, specific food depends on the practice and the season, for example The melons have nothing to eat in the summer, but after the fall, their coldness is more prominent, and it is best not to eat at this time.

Greasy food

Friends who have moisture in their bodies should not eat too much oily foods too often, which will lead to increased moisture in the body. In addition, fried foods and fried foods must be eaten less. Usually pay attention to the light diet, drink some water, this is to help the body detoxification and dehumidification.

What should we eat in summer moisture?


Garlic is a good wet food. You can eat more garlic, summer cooking when you can add more garlic seasoning, do lean meat porridge or pork bone porridge and other congee products can add a little garlic, stew can add a little garlic.


Ginger is also a good food for dampness. Usually, you can add some ginger ginger seasoning to your dishes, and you can also use Ginger as the main ingredient (Ginger Baked Duck, Zizi Fried Pork Slices, Zingiber Stewed Beef, etc.). The crowd recommends drinking sweet ginger soup. Purple ginger has the best moisturizing effect. It is recommended to eat purple ginger.


Perilla is a seasoning spice and is also a good product of dampness. When making fish dishes such as fish, shellfish, seafood, snail, etc., you can add more fresh basil leaves or basil powder, not only to simmer, but also to dampen moisture. In addition, it is also possible to use a basil stew to moisten it. It is recommended to use basil stewed lamb or basil stew.


Pepper is also a good wet product. Spicy hot peppers can only be used for seasoning dishes and certainly not eaten in large quantities. If you can not eat spicy, eat more sweet peppers, pepper and other hot or spicy pepper varieties.

red beans

Red beans (red beans) are also good products. You can use red beans to make cereal congee, you can also use red beans stew bone soup, recommend garlic red bean bone porridge.


The wine is damp and good, and moderate drinking is effective for dehumidification. If you can not drink, you can use wine to make ginger soup (add some wine to ginger), if you can tolerate that taste, use white wine; if not completely used to drink wine, add sweet wine or rice wine.

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