Menopausal calcium to protect cardiovascular! The hot flashes of the heart 悸 the symptomatic diet conditioning method, in addition to the appearance of annoying menopause symptoms, there may be a lot of complications, then what menstrual period we should add food and nutrients it? Osteoporosis increases dietary calcium intake Excellent source of calcium: 1. Milk and dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt, yogurt, fermented milk 2. Whole beans and soy products: soybeans, tofu, soy milk, black beans 3. Dried fish, kiss larvae, clams, fish, shellfish 4. Dark green vegetables, kelp, black sesame Increase calcium absorption rate: 1. When it comes to outdoor sun exposure, the skin will synthesize vitamin D after sun exposure. Vitamin D can help the absorption of calcium in the body. It is recommended that it be used at least 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. 2. Iron and calcium will compete in the body for absorption. The use of high-calcium and high-iron milk requires special attention. 3. Avoid smoke and alcohol intake. 4. Coffee and tea can also affect calcium absorption. It is best not to eat with calcium-rich foods at the same time. Cardiovascular diseases Women have lower prevalence of cardiovascular disease than men because of the protection of estrogen before menopause. However, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases due to changes in hormone secretion during menopause. It is recommended that whole grains, such as brown rice, be selected for staple foods. , grain rice, cereals replace refined white rice, intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, increase fiber intake, try to avoid eating fat, animal skins, avoid using lard, chicken oil and other animal oil cooking, seasoning should be light, reduce salt intake to maintain Blood pressure is stable. Delaying the aging and protecting the beauty Carotene and Vitamin C and Vitamin E have antioxidant effects Carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E have anti-oxidant effects, scavenging free radicals, and can not only protect skin from tenderness and whitening, but also protect skin from tenderness and elasticity. Carotene is found in red and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, apples, and pineapples , papaya ... and so on, vitamin C is stored in citrus, guava, kiwi fruit .. and other fruits, vitamin E is mostly found in nut foods, grasp the principle of eating at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day to keep young and beautiful . Menopausal women should pay more attention to nutrient intake due to physical and psychological pressure. For the relief of anxiety, adequate calcium, magnesium and vitamin B groups are necessary (relaxed mood nutrients). Studies have also pointed out that the symptoms of menopause in Oriental women are milder than in Westerners because Oriental women have more beans (especially soybeans and their products) than Westerners. Beans contain plant estrus hormones and royal jelly similar to female estrus hormones. Evening primrose oil is believed to help relieve menopausal symptoms. Therefore, beans are recommended foods for menopausal women, especially soya beans and their products. In contrast, caffeine and alcohol can aggravate the unease of menopausal women. Special attention should be paid. Menopause Discomfort Symptoms Diet conditioning Hot flashes, palpitations, insomnia Choose soybeans, axillary buds, burdock, cherries, apples, garlic and other foods rich in phytoestrogen; reduce red meat intake; avoid drinking coffee. Vaginal dry, inflammatory infections Yogurt or yogurt can reduce and improve inflammatory infections. Frequent urination, incontinence, urinary tract infections Avoid drinking plenty of water, especially before going to bed; eat less diuretic foods such as watermelon, alcohol, and drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola); cranberry juice can prevent urinary tract infections. Menopause Nutrition 1. Vegetables At least 3 servings a day (half a bowl or 1 serving of 100 grams), of which 1 serving is a dark green vegetable. 2. Fruit At least 2 servings a day, eat fruits and vegetables in various colors. The colors of fruits and vegetables can be divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white. The vitamins, minerals, fibers, and phytochemicals contained in fruits and vegetables of all colors are not the same. The "Rainbow Eating Principle" is recommended for the selection of fruits and vegetables. 3. Grain roots 2.5 to 3 bowls per day can be adjusted according to the amount of activity and weight. It is recommended that at least half of them be selected from whole grains and grains, which will not only have higher nutritional value, but also prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases. 4. Beans, fish, meat, eggs 4 to 5 servings a day, meat must be oiled, peeled, and white meat (chicken or fish) and soy products replace red meat. Fish can choose deep-sea fish, such as saury, mackerel, earth carp, carp, etc., because of the rich fish oil, is conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Soybean foods contain anti-oxidants and feminine sterols that can reduce the symptoms of menopause. Egg yolk contains high cholesterol and saturated fat, limited to 3 per week. Pain Relief Patch For Neck Shoulder,Lower Back And Leg
Pain Relief Patch for neck shoulder, lower back and leg.
Pain Relief Patch,Pain Relief Pad,Pain Relief Plaster,Neck Pain Relief Patch,Back Pain Relief Pacth Shandong XiJieYiTong International Trade Co.,Ltd. ,
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 10cm×12cm 2pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for strains, sprains, cramp, bruises, swollen areas or joint stiffness.
[How To Use a Patch]
Tear off the packaging bag and remove the patch. Remove the protective film and apply the patch on the skin. One piece, one time. The curing effect of each piece can last for 8-12 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.