1, with excellent transparency and smoothness, good display effect.
2, excellent surface decoration performance, can be printed without surface treatment, easy to suppress patterns, easy metal treatment (vacuum gold-plated layer)
3, with good mechanical strength.
4, good resistance to oxygen and water vapor.
5, good chemical resistance, can withstand a variety of chemical substances erosion.
6, non-toxic, reliable health performance, can be used in the Packaging of food, drugs and medical equipment, and can Y ray [SPAN] on its packaging of the items disinfection.
7, good adaptability to environmental protection, economic and convenient recycling; Incineration of its waste, do not produce harmful substances harmful to the environment. This type of sheet material is considered to be an ideal packaging material that meets (ROSH) environmental protection requirements.
fold blister; Packaging Fold Bliter; Thermoforming Fold Blister; taicang hexiang packaging material co.,ltd , https://www.medpackhexiang.com
How much water should be added to pig feed
A: Adding too much water to the pig feed is a practice that has been used for many years in rural areas. It has many drawbacks: First, the diet is too thin, the water in the diet is relatively increased, and the nutrient content is insufficient, which greatly reduces the saliva secretion of the pig, dilutes the gastric juice, shortens the residence time of the feed in the stomach, and seriously reduces the feed. The utilization rate. The second is to increase the physiological burden on pigs and increase the consumption of calories in pigs. In addition, if there is too much water, pigs will have more urine in autumn and winter, and the pigsty will be wet and cold, which will seriously affect the growth and health of pigs.