Spider silk booster vaccine activates immune cells

Spider silk booster vaccine activates immune cells

June 15, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet

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Researchers in Switzerland and Germany have devised a new approach to vaccines: encapsulation of antigens with spider silk proteins, which safely transports antigens to T cells in lymphoid tissues, greatly enhancing the vaccine's immune response.

The Swiss University of Geneva issued a press release stating that the technology was developed in collaboration with the German company AMSilk to help design stable, easy-to-use, shelf-stable vaccines.

For cancer and some important infectious diseases, small pieces of protein fragments, antigenic peptides, need to be transported to T cells to learn to recognize related pathogens and produce immunity. If injected directly, the antigenic peptide will decompose before reaching the "destination". How to safely and efficiently transport the antigenic peptide is a difficult point in developing a vaccine.

Researchers published a paper in the international journal Biomaterials that they combine antigenic peptides with a spider silk protein to make nano-sized particles that successfully deliver antigenic peptides and activate T without the need for vaccine adjuvants. Cells, and no signs of immunotoxicity.

The vaccine particles are very stable, easy to manufacture and can be adjusted as needed. In addition, the vaccine particles have good heat resistance and can be stored for several hours in an environment exceeding 100 degrees Celsius.

Researchers say that the ability to create vaccines that do not require adjuvants and cold-chain transport based on this technology is important for increasing immunization rates in developing countries. This technique is theoretically applicable to all small molecule antigen peptides, but many conventional vaccines use larger antigen molecules, and further research and verification is needed to use this new technology.

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