Over 100 clinical trials have confirmed that EEG signal feedback training can enhance compression resistance

Over 100 clinical trials have confirmed that EEG signal feedback training can enhance compression resistance

December 12, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Zhang Meng Ran

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A clinical trial involving 180 subjects published by the journal Nature and Human Behavior on the 11th showed that training the recruits to change their brain activity through the EEG neural feedback experiment can alleviate the “destination disorder” (a kind of New diseases cannot be perceived and expressed by their own emotions, and new technologies are more convenient and economical than the old ones.

Neurofeedback training can help subjects adjust their level of brain activity, and is therefore considered to be an important area of ​​development that has the potential to improve stress resistance and improve the treatment of mental illness, including post-traumatic stress disorder. But most neurofeedback training relies on expensive professional imaging equipment to detect deep brain activity, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This time, the clinical trial conducted by the research team at the Socrates Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Israel, used a neural feedback training method based on EEG. Devices that monitor EEG signals are easier to quantify, portable, and cheaper than fMRI.

The team randomly divided the subjects who were undergoing intense military training into three groups. The experimental group received 6 neural feedback training based on EEG signals and targeting amygdala activity; 45 subjects in the approximate control group received the same training, but did not target amygdala activity; the remaining 45 subjects Did not receive any neurofeedback training. The team found that only neurofeedback training targeting amygdala activity can alleviate the alexithymia.

Researchers believe that their findings help to develop practical new methods to prevent stress-related problems in individuals.

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