New Trends in Food Preservation Technology - High Hydrostatic Pressure Technology

The high hydrostatic pressure treatment technology is a kind of food preservation technology that does not require heating. Combined with other food preservation technologies, it can not only improve the safety and stability of foods, but also maximize the protection of nutrients in foods. Due to physical, chemical, enzymatic or microbial changes, the quality of their products begins to decline. The purpose of food preservation is to prevent these adverse changes, extend the shelf life of foods and ensure their safety. Most food preservation techniques can suppress one or more of the factors that cause food deterioration. However, due to changes in the storage environment, such as the breakage of cold chains and the absorption of food, the growth of spoilage bacteria or pathogenic bacteria may be caused. Certain single preservation techniques do not ensure food safety. When high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is used in food processing, the pressure range is 100 to 1000 MPa. This pressure can inactivate most of the microorganisms and endogenous enzymes in foods, while the nutrients and flavors in foods are basically not. Affected. The earliest research on the use of HHP to preserve food began in the late 19th century, but the real commercial application is not long. Over the past decade or so people have renewed interest in HHP because this technology not only has the effect of food preservation, but also can change some of the functional characteristics of food. In general, the effect of HHP on the inhibition of living cells of microorganisms is still good, but a single pressure treatment does not completely inhibit the activity of microbial spores and certain high-stress enzymes. At present, the vast majority of HHP processed products on the market are high-acid foods such as fruit juices and jams, and these foods are suitable for HHP preservation because the bacterial spores that are resistant to high pressure cannot survive in a low pH environment and can survive. Microorganisms, such as yeast, mold, and lactic acid bacteria, are also sensitive to stress and are easily inhibited by HHP. In order to expand the scope of application of HHP, and at the same time achieve a sufficient antibacterial effect and prolong the shelf life of foods, the application of HHP in combination with other food preservation technologies can not only improve the safety and stability of foods, but also apply every single technology to foods. When processing, the treatment intensity can be relatively mild (eg, 800 MPa for HHP alone, and 400 MPa for other technologies, the same effect can be achieved), with less impact on the active ingredients in the food and the overall quality of the food. it is good. Research progress of the combination method of HHP and heat treatment ● Research advances in the bactericidal action of HHP combined with heat treatment Bacteria cells have the strongest resistance to HHP in the range of 20°C to 30°C, at higher and lower temperatures. Their sensitivity to HHP will increase. Compared with HHP treatment at room temperature, the use of relatively low pressure and/or relatively short time at a more appropriate temperature will greatly reduce the number of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. For example, using 200 MPa pressure at 45°C does not inhibit the activity of L. monocytogenes in UHT milk, but at 55°C with 200 MPa pressure for 15 minutes, the number of bacteria in milk can be reduced by 6 log cycles (6 log10 cycle) ). Another benefit of combining HHP with heat treatment is that when HHP is combined with the appropriate temperature, the difference in tolerance of the different bacteria to pressure is also reduced. At 25°C, the tolerance to 345 MPa pressure was very different between Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella, but at 50°C, the pressure of these bacteria changed to 345 MPa. It is equally sensitive. Under normal circumstances, the inhibition of most H. pylori microorganisms at low temperatures is characterized by an initial exponential decline in H. pylori numbers, followed by a significant tailing, ie, a decrease in bacteriostasis, if HHP is combined with heat treatment. This tailing disappears. Patterson and Kilpatrick used the Gompertz equation to plot the inhibition curve of HHP combined with heat treatment in milk and poultry for inhibition of E. coli O157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus. This inhibition curve is of practical value in commercial applications. Can help establish specific processing parameters to achieve the necessary level of sterilization to ensure food safety and stability. There are few reports on the use of HHP combined with heat treatment to inhibit the activity of yeast and fungal cells. It may be that these microorganisms are sensitive to HHP treatment at room temperature. However, the inhibition of fungal ascospores must be combined with HHP and 60°C. 70 °C temperature. Bacterial spores using HHP to inhibit bacterial spore activity can be achieved in two steps. First, the buds are budded under certain pressure, and then the budded cells are inactivated. Spores are very resistant to HHP treatment at room temperature and it has been reported that they can withstand a pressure of 800 MPa for several hours. However, the use of 10 MPa pressure can promote sprouting buds, budding bacteria on heat, radiation, chemical reagents and HHP and other processing will be very sensitive. HHP stimulates budding and inhibits the activity of bacterial spores, which is greatly affected by temperature. The effect is much better when the temperature is higher. When the temperature reaches the germination temperature (>60°C) after germination, the effect of the combination of HHP and heat treatment is best, that is, HHP stimulates spores to be directly heat-inactivated after sprouting. However, it has also been reported that when Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus stearothermophilus were treated with HHP at 70°C and 90°C, respectively, no spore budding was observed and the bacteria were directly inactivated. The research progress of the inactivation of HHP after combined with heat treatment may be due to the different structure of various enzymes, and the effect of HHP treatment on various enzymes is also not the same. Under normal circumstances, the combination of pressure and appropriate temperature can increase the degree of enzyme inactivation, but there are also reports that the combination of both increases enzyme activity. The combination of 45°C~55°C temperature and 600~900MPa pressure can inhibit pectin esterase, lipase, polyphenol oxidase (PPO), lipoxygenase, peroxidase (POD), milk Oxidase, phospholipase, and catalase activity. Cano et al. studied the inhibition of PPO, POD, and pectin methylesterase (PME) in strawberry jam and citrus juice using pressure and heat below 400 MPa. The best combination combination (230 MPa, 43° C.) only decreased the POD activity in strawberry jam by 25%. The activity of PPO was almost the same before and after treatment at 400 MPa and 65° C. In orange juice, POD activity was inhibited to the maximum at 400 MPa and 32°C, but the inhibition rate was only 50%. If higher temperatures are used, POD activity will be higher. Under the same pressure, the activity of PME in orange juice also increased with the increase of temperature. The high tolerance of endogenous enzymes in food to the combination of HHP and HHP with heat treatment reminds us that other techniques such as low temperature, chemical modification of enzymes, use of other enzymes (killer enzymes) KillerEn?zyme) or naturally occurring protein inhibitors. Combined HHP and heat treatment are particularly useful in the preservation of low-acid foods, and this combination can make the pasteurization or sterilization temperature of the food at a lower temperature. For example, sterilizing duck meat with HHP and heating (400MPa, 50°C) can achieve the effect of traditional pasteurization (the latest heating point temperature is 85°C). Another advantage of this combination is that it can be sterilized under moderate pressure, which is more easily achieved in production, and at the same time it does not lead to a decrease in the quality of the processed product. The research progress of HHP combined with low pH The effect of HHP on microbial cells and spores is almost unaffected by the pH of the medium. Different authors reported conflicting results in this regard. Maggi et al. studied the inactivation effect of HHP on four strains of Salmonella and seven strains of Enterobacteriaceae. It was found that the four strains of Salmonella and Enterobacteria had a reduced sensitivity to pressure in acidic pH, and the bacteria in the intestine decreased. The other three strains were more sensitive to stress at neutral pH. Raso et al. reported that the combination of high pressure and heat treatment had the highest inactivation rate of bacterial spores near the neutral pH, but when the medium pH was reduced to 4, the combination of high pressure and heat treatment had better inhibitory effect on C. sporogenes PA3679. Although reducing the pH does not increase the sensitivity of the bacteria to HHP, the benefit of this combination is to prevent the growth and sporulation of those bacteria that survived the HHP treatment. For example, a pressure-resistant strain of E. coli that has been pressure treated and stored in the next low pH environment can accelerate its death. Advances in the research of the combination of HHP and antibiotics As consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety of synthetic additives, natural antibiotics have caused widespread interest, especially when these antibiotics are used in conjunction with other food preservation technologies. Studies have shown that HHP can cause sublethal injury of microbial cells, and then they are more susceptible to antibiotics. This phenomenon is particularly significant for gram-negative bacteria because the cell membrane of these bacteria can act as a natural barrier against the intrusion of high-pressure and macromolecular substances (such as antibiotics) under natural conditions. After treatment of E. coli cells with HHP higher than 180 MPa, they are more sensitive to lysozyme and nisin. HHP treatment (320 MPa, 15 min, 23 °C) reduced the number of E. coli by 4.06 log cycles. With the addition of nisin (100 IU/ml), lysozyme (10 [mu]g/ml) or both at the same time as the pressure treatment, the number of E. coli can be reduced by 5.7, 5.4 and 6.9 log cycles, respectively. However, the addition of the antibiotics described above after pressure treatment does not result in a reduction in the number of bacteria. In addition, the addition of the two antibiotics mentioned above, and cyclic pressure treatment (3 cycles/10 minutes) with a pressure of 400 MPa, the number of E. coli MG1615 can be reduced by 6 log cycles, and this bacterium is currently considered to be the most pressure-resistant bacterium. . Combining nisin (100 IU/ml) and lysozyme (100 μg/ml) with cyclic pressure treatment (550 MPa, 20°C, 3 cycles/10 min) can significantly increase the lethality of 4 E. coli strains in skimmed milk. Rate (MG1615 and 3 other pressure-resistant strains). Compared with the continuous treatment for 30 minutes under the same conditions, the cyclic pressure treatment can at least reduce the bacterial count of the 4 strains by 3 log cycles. The addition of pediocin and nisin during pressurization increases the lethal effect of HHP on Gram-positive and negative pathogenic bacteria. Treat Staphylococcus aureus, S. moniliforme, Salmonella typhimurium, and E. coli for 10 minutes at 25°C with a pressure of 345 MPa while adding icterococcin acetate (3000 IU/ml) and nisin (3000 IU/ml) In a mixture of bacteria, the number of bacteria decreased by at least 1.3 to 5.1 log cycles. Some have also studied the effect of HHP combined with antibiotics on pathogenic and spoilage bacteria at moderate temperatures. At 45°C~50°C, with a pressure of 450 MPa, pediocin acetate 3000 IU/ml was added and treated for 5 minutes to allow Staphylococcus aureus, Monospora variabilis, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, and intestinal membranous beading The number of bacteria, Serratia liquefaciens, and Pseudomonas fluorescens decreased to three to four logarithmic cycles, and this combined technique reduced the number of cells in each of the aforementioned bacteria by at least 8 log cycles. The research progress of HHP and Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is a very effective new technology to maintain the quality of foods such as meat, fruits, and vegetables, and extend the shelf life of HHP. The combination with MAP has been used to extend the shelf life of salmon and shrimp. Amanatidou et al. compared vacuum or MAP (50%CO2+50%O2) packaged carp, HHP treated carp under vacuum, HHP and then MAP (50%CO2+50%O2) packaged carp and added gas (50%CO2+50%O2) The shelf life of carp treated with HHP at 5°C resulted in the final treatment being more effective in delaying the growth of microorganisms on the carp. However, the best treatment that can extend the shelf life of squid while maintaining the sensory quality of squid is to treat it at 150 MPa for 10 minutes and then pack it in MAP. This treatment can extend shelf life by at least 5 days compared to commonly used vacuum packaging and then refrigerated squid. In the study of prawns, the shrimps were treated with 200 MPa and 400 MPa for 10 minutes under vacuum conditions at 7°C to extend the shelf life of vacuum-packed shrimps for 7 days and 14 days, respectively. However, there are some black spots on the surface of the pressure-treated prawns during storage. The above results show that, under refrigeration conditions, the combined technology of HHP and MAP is a means to effectively extend the shelf life of fresh products. For the best combination of conditions for many other specific products, further research is needed. The research progress of the combined method of HHP and CO2 The antibacterial effect of CO2 is well known, and increasing the appropriate pressure can increase its antibacterial effect. Commonly used pressure is generally less than 50MPa. However, under 80 °C, the effect of high pressure CO2 on bacterial spores and fungal spores was not obvious. Time, pressure, temperature, water activity, and pH are important parameters for this combination. Raising the temperature and/or increasing the pressure and lowering the pH increase the bacteriostatic effect of the high pressure CO2. However, in the low water activity environment, the antibacterial effect of high pressure CO2 decreased. The antibacterial mechanism of pressure CO2 is not yet clear. Some authors believe that the rapid decompression after pressure CO2 treatment plays a key role in reducing the total number of bacteria, but some people think that the antibacterial effect of this technology is in the pressure stage, not in the decompression stage. They believe that under pressure, more CO2 molecules can pass through the cell membrane and lower the pH in the bacteria, which in turn affects some of the key enzymes in cell metabolism. The antibacterial effect of pressure CO2 is also related to the extraction of certain components in cells, such as phospholipids and hydrophobic compounds. Pressure CO2 is a preservation technique that can suppress microorganisms in foods, especially surface microorganisms, and then improve food quality. However, in order to achieve sufficient antibacterial effects, the treatment time often takes a long time. The research progress of HHP combined with pulsed electric field The antibacterial effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) was first discovered in the 1960s. Heinz and Knorr designed a laboratory-scale device to study the antibacterial effects of HHP combined with PEF. The use of sub-lethal strength HHP (200 MPa, <1 min) with PEF treatment resulted in a lower mortality rate for B. subtilis than for PEF treatment at atmospheric pressure, indicating the use of sublethal HHP. Treatment improves the stability of Bacillus subtilis to PEF treatment. However, when treated with 200 MPa for 10 minutes and immediately after decompression with PEF of 24.7 KV/cm for 300 microseconds, the number of Bacillus subtilis was reduced by 2 log cycles compared with atmospheric PEF treatment, indicating a certain intensity of HHP. Synergistic effect with PEF treatment. Progress in the research on the method of combining HHP and radiation Although people do not fully understand the antibacterial mechanism of radiation, it is currently believed that radiation inhibits or kills bacterial cells by damaging the DNA of cells. Common sources of radiation include λ-rays, x-rays and electron beams. Clostridium sporogenes were inoculated into chicken breast and placed in an environment with a radiation dose of 2.0 KGy, and then treated with a pressure of 680 MPa at 80°C for 20 minutes to calculate the time required for the death of 90% of the bacteria (D value). As a result, the D value is only half the size of the 4.1KGy alone. With radiation alone (1 KGy) or HHP treatment (200 MPa, 30 min), the number of Staphylococcus aureus in lamb meat is reduced by only one log cycle. When the two are applied in combination, the number of bacteria can be reduced by 4 log cycles. . The use of HHP in combination with radiation can reduce the intensity of treatment when used in any single technique and can also improve the safety of sensory traits in meat. In 2000, at the 13th World Food Science and Technology Conference held in South Korea, a U.S. company had introduced a 600 MPa mature hydrostatic pressure technology model; at present, Zhejiang University, Jilin Gongda and other units are still studying the technology. It takes a certain period of time before the application of industrialization is enlarged. High Hydrostatic Pressure Sterilization Technology High hydrostatic pressure sterilization technology is a food preservation technology that does not require heating. Many experiments have shown that it can not only inhibit the activity of microorganisms and enzymes, but also cause little or no loss of food nutrition or senses. However, there are still some enzymes and microorganisms (especially spore-producing microorganisms) to its high tolerance makes its application has been limited, so the combination of high hydrostatic bactericidal technology and other food preservation technology and the above-mentioned technology The joint application of each other can make up for the deficiencies of a single technology, improve food safety and extend the shelf life of foods. It is a new type of food preservation technology with broad commercial application prospects.


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