New research: "Swaying to sleep" sleeps well, remembers well

New research: "Swaying to sleep" sleeps well, remembers well

January 31, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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A new study published in the new issue of Contemporary Biology in the United States shows that "slipping to sleep" can not only improve the sleep of adults, but also help to consolidate memory.

In this study, the research team led by the University of Geneva in Switzerland allowed 18 healthy young people to undergo a three-night sleep test in the laboratory: the first night used to get used to the laboratory sleep environment, the second night to sleep in a light On the swaying bed, the third night was sleeping on the same bed, but the bed was still. The monitoring data showed that with the gentle shake motion, the tester fell asleep faster, stayed in deep sleep for a longer period of time, and waking up less often.

To assess the impact of shaking and falling asleep on the memory, the researchers asked the subjects to learn some phrases and test their accuracy in remembering these phrases on the night and the following morning. The results showed that after one night of "swaying", the subjects performed better in the morning test.

Another study led by the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, showed that shaking can also promote sleep in adult mice. This is also the first study of the relationship between shaking and sleep for other species.

The researchers believe that the effect of shaking on sleep is related to the rhythmic stimulation of the vestibular system. The vestibular system is located in the inner ear and is responsible for balance and space perception. Studies have shown that for mice lacking normal function vestibular organs, shaking does not show a beneficial effect on sleep.

The researchers said that these two studies provide new insights into the neurophysiological mechanisms that influence sleep, and provide new ideas for the treatment of insomnia, mood disorders, sleep disorders and memory disorders. However, some scholars believe that the new research is more directed at adults. The brains of infants and young children are still developing, and there is not enough research. It is not recommended to shake excessively to make them fall asleep.

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