More accurate markers for scoliosis progression prediction

More accurate markers for scoliosis progression prediction

November 08, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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Idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a progressive disease, but the cause of progression has always been a "mystery," making it a difficult point for clinical treatment. If an accurate predictive model of disease progression in AIS patients can be established, early intervention can save some AIS patients from the pain of surgery. The reporter was informed that the latest results of the collaborative research conducted by Zhou Xuhui Spinal Deformity Team of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital and Professor Yang Fu of the Department of Genetics and Management of Naval Military Medical University confirmed for the first time that epigenetics played an important role in the progression of AIS disease, which is the cause of scoliosis. Research and early prevention and treatment of diseases provide new research ideas and approaches. The results were recently published online in the journal "The Lancet", EBioMedicine.

In this study, Professor Zhou Xuhui led researchers to conduct a large number of clinical and basic research. In the early stage, Huangpu District of Shanghai jointly launched the “Huangpu District Youth Scoliosis Public Welfare Screening Project”. During the screening process, the same twins were found to have AIS, but the degree of disease progression was different. So the research team used genome-wide sequencing to analyze the genome sequences of these twins. It is interesting that the genome sequences of the twins are completely identical, which means that the cause of the inconsistent disease progression is not the difference of genetic material, but Due to epigenetic differences.

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