The therapeutic side of chronic rhinitis

In the treatment of rhinitis by traditional Chinese medicine, anti-inflammatory and expectorant methods are usually used to treat various diseases. The following therapeutics are used to achieve the above therapeutic effects.

1. Loofah and rattan pig lean meat: heat anti-inflammatory, detoxification Tongqiao, attending acute exacerbation of chronic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, nasal discharge pustules, brain headache.

Take 3 to 5 grams of loofah vines near the root and wash it. Cut 60 grams of lean pork. Bring the soup to the pot, add a little salt to the seasoning, drink soup to eat meat, five times for a course of treatment, and use 1 to 3 Self-healing treatment.

2. Xinyi boiled eggs: Tongqiao, stop pustules, sputum headache, nourish support, is attending chronic sinusitis, purulent sputum.

With 15 grams of magnolia flower, into the casserole, add 2 bowls of water, fry a bowl; 2 eggs, cooked peeled, pierce a few holes, the casserole over the fire, pour the concoction to boil, add the eggs Cook for a while, drink soup and eat eggs.

3. Bai Ye pig nose soup: anti-inflammatory Tongqiao, nourishing Yin righting, attending nasal flow odor.

Take 66 grams of pork nose and clean it up. Use 30 grams of raw cypress, 6 grams of medlar, 10 grams of Bupleurum and put it in a casserole. Add 4 bowls of clear water to take a bowl, remove the dregs, and infuse honey. Grams, 30 grams of rice wine 30 grams, and even drink it.

4. Yellow head fish soup: righting and eliminating evil spirits, make up the night. Indications of chronic atrophic rhinitis, frequent colds.

Take 100 grams of fat head fish and wash it with hot oil on both sides. Will jujube 15 grams to nuclear washing, with 30 grams of yellow flowers, 15 grams of Atractylodes, Xanthium 10 grams, 10 grams of white peony root, ginger 3 put a total of casserole and fish head Jiantang, until cooked to drink juice.

5. sheep powder: Indications of chronic rhinitis Take a pair of sheep testicles, after washing, put the tiles or casserole in the baking yellow (not fried Chao Chao), research into Ximo, with warm water or rice wine sent. Each pair of testicles served once a day for two consecutive days, effective for 2-3 consecutive days.

6. Astragalus Porridge: Astragalus 400g, Bai Shu 230 g, windproof 240g, Platycodon grandiflorum 120g, licorice 60g, rice 20g (one day use), in addition to rice, the other materials into a powder, mix well, into a dry container (There Cover) Save. Put 400cc of water and rice into the pot, boil over high heat, and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Place (1) 10g ground flour into (2), boil over low heat, and cover with water for 5 minutes.

7. Garlic bamboo drink: garlic head 2, lotus 30 grams, bamboo leaves 10 grams, 6 grams of licorice. The above four flavors were decocted and decocted to leave juice. Clearing heat, detoxifying, and clearing all night. One dose a day, divided into 2 Beverages.

8. Sangju almond porridge: 9 grams of mulberry leaves, 6 grams of chrysanthemum; sweet almond 9 grams, 60 grams of rice. Before the first two flavors add boiling water to the amount of juice to the residue, add sweet almonds, rice porridge. Evacuation of wind and heat, Xuanfei Tongyu. Eat sooner or later.

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