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Why do we need to consider the pig's habit of arching the feed trough?
Pig nose is not only very spiritual, but the strength is not small, there are proverbs as evidence - fat pig arch which! This unique skill of the pig was inherited from its ancestor, the wild boar. The pig's hooves are only divided into two forks, and there are no joints. Of course, they cannot be grasped like a monkey or an orangutan's hand. Therefore, the hooves don't help much when they are eating. The main task is to rely on them. This long mouth to complete, this mouth is like a small excavator. Wild boars are archeologists. Because many of the things they love to eat are underground, such as the rhizomes of various plants. The fish in the muddy pond is also a kind of food that wild boars love to eat. To obtain these foods, the boar first rely on its sensitive sense of smell, find the location of the food, and then play its strengths of this arch. Domesticated domestic pigs have had their mouths degraded much shorter than wild boars, but the habit of arching is still preserved. This habit is indispensable for survival in the wild, but it is not a good habit under artificial breeding conditions. It is easy to waste on this material alone. Pigs always like to go to the depths of the arch to eat something, so that the feed is easily arched to the outside, causing waste. The current price of feed is very high. If it is a large-scale pig farm, the waste is not small. The arch is a pig's nature and it is not easy to change. In order to solve this problem of waste, it is only on this chute to find a solution. Many pig farms use long cement floor troughs, which are the most common of ours. They have less investment, and there is no problem with using such feed troughs regardless of dry or wet feed. However, the construction of this trough is delicate. The principle is to try not to let the pig arch the feed. The width of the chute is generally 35 centimeters, and the height of the inside and outside is not the same. The periphery is generally about 20 cm, and the inside is generally 2 to 3 cm lower than the outside. The lower side of the trough is for convenient feeding of the pig's mouth. The height of the outer edge is 2 to 3 cm in order to keep the pig from arching as much as possible. The placement of troughs is also emphasized. One-third of the width is outside the pigshed. Feeding is very convenient, and the gap between the vertical bar and trough is small, which can play a role in blocking the pig's arch. This will allow the pig's jaw to reach into this chute and eat as much material as possible. Pigs like arches and eat something to like to rush to eat. This grab is more likely to waste feed, and if it is fed quantitatively, it is likely that the body will eat much more strongly, while the weaker ones will not be enough to eat, resulting in uneven growth. Therefore, pay attention to the density of pigs within a circle when building a feed chute. Make sure that each pig can occupy its own position and allow them to compete as little as possible. General sow pregnant sows, a captive about 4 to 6 heads. If the boars are raised together, they must fight, so only one boar can be kept in each lap. If you grow from a nursery and become a fattening pig, you usually raise 8 to 10 pigs. The size of the chute depends on the number of pigs in different laps. Floor-mounted cement troughs are convenient to use and have low costs, but they are not suitable for piglets. After weaning, the piglets moved from the bed to the nursery where they had to live for more than a month. After weaning, the digestive system of piglets is not yet well-developed. Each time the feed intake is relatively small, and this period of time is also a crucial period for their long bodies. Therefore, it is generally for piglets to feed freely and what they want. When to eat when to eat. And during this period, the pigs were very curious and often ate and ate while playing, which was very easy to waste. Therefore, for the nursery pigs, a semi-automatic feeder is prepared. The width of the design is narrow and narrow. Feed is fed from the top. Pigs eat feed from the bottom of the chute. When the feed is eaten, there is a material box in front of it to prevent it from arching out. In this way, the need for growth and development of piglets can be guaranteed, and the habit of piglets freely eating can also be satisfied. After the sow is pregnant, she needs to move into the positioning column and enjoy the treatment of a single room. Here a pig has a trough and a baffle in the middle, so there is no need to worry that the pig will arch the feed.