Three measures to prevent pear scale insect disease

Strengthening Orchard Management Pyrus scale insects often attach to branches, fruits, and leaves with nymphs and adults, sucking juice, and fruit trees suffer from it. Because the pear scale insects have one thing in common, that is, the parasite will produce a waxy layer, it is difficult for conventional drugs to touch the parasite, and it is difficult to control. Therefore, we must strengthen fertilizer and water management, increase organic fertilizers to enhance tree vigor; combine pruning, cut off pests, leaves, dead branches, in order to facilitate spraying.

The control of pear larvae of the scale insects is wax-free, so the control of pear scale insects should catch two crucial periods: the first time after convulsions until the buds sprout; the second time the eggs from late May to June Incubation period and nymph stage. Planters can choose to use 40% speed cull EC 1500 times; 48% Roche Bentimes 1000 times (appropriate to control the larvae below 2 years of age); 99.1% enemy oil insecticide or 99% green oil agent 150 ~ 200 times Liquid or oil emulsion 150 to 200 times solution (if used in combination with phoxim or malathion, it can increase dilution and increase killing effect).

The best way to protect the use of natural enemies against pear scale insects is to use natural enemies. Square tortoise, gray lip ladybug, wispy ladybird ladybug, red ladybug, australian ladybug, black-spot ladybug, cockroach wasp, gold cockroach wasp, double-banded great-horned bumblebee, japonicum, flat angle Jump bees, grasshoppers and other are the natural enemies of pear scale insects. When the chemical is used for prevention and control, it is necessary to use highly-targeted agents to try to avoid killing natural enemies.

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