The more "old" sperm, the healthier the offspring

The more "old" sperm, the healthier the offspring

February 19, 2019 Source: Health News Network

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Researchers in the UK and Sweden studied the reproductive status of fish and found that offspring that survived longer before being bound to egg cells were healthier. They believe that this discovery may have significant implications for human assisted reproductive technology.

Researchers at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom and the University of Uppsala in Sweden used zebrafish as the research object. The sperm in the male semen was divided into two groups. One group of sperm had survived for a long time and the other group was shorter. The researchers combined these spermatozoa with the same female once-excreted egg cells to fertilize them, and wait until the small fish hatch and grow to adulthood. After spending two years observing the life and health of these small fish and their offspring, they found that spermatozoa with longer survival time are healthier, aging is slower and can breed more than sperm with shorter survival time before fertilization. More healthy offspring.

The researchers wrote in an article published in the February 14 issue of the Journal of Evolutionary News that the study showed that “it is necessary to understand that different spermatozoa may affect the health of the offspring and the reasons behind it”.

The Eureka Alert, a news site sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, quoted research lead author Dr. Simone Imler of the University of East Anglia as a report that the semen from an adult man contained tens of millions of sperm. "Each sperm is not only different in shape and performance, but also carries different genetic material." People now "presumably assume that as long as the sperm can bind to the egg, it is not important which sperm is fertilized specifically for the egg." The study showed that “the difference is quite large and can affect future generations”, and the results are therefore of great significance to evolutionary biology, and may be applied to livestock farming and human assisted reproductive technologies.

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