How to Process "Blue Silk"

"Blue silk" is a sugar product processed from sweet orange peel. The surface is dry, there is back to the sand, it is a dry candied fruit. The processing technology is as follows: 1. Raw material processing: The fresh orange peel is used. After the sweet orange is processed or eaten, its peel should be comprehensively utilized. However, because orange peel contains orange peel, bitter taste, affect the flavor, it should be removed. The bitter substances are soluble in water and are easily removed. The orange peel is first cut into strips, each about 2-3 mm wide, and then soaked in a large amount of water and heated, repeatedly changing the water until the bitterness is removed. Drain the water after use. 2, sugar cooking: 50 kilograms of raw materials need to use sugar 40 kilograms, white sugar can be added into a small amount of water-soluble thick syrup, mixed with raw materials and heating. When raw materials and thick syrup are co-cooked, attention must be paid to mastering the heat. At the beginning, fierce fire can be used to evaporate the water in the raw materials as quickly as possible. At the same time, sugars enter the raw material and are constantly stirred. As the sugar liquid and raw materials are boiled, the raw materials gradually become transparent. When sugar is returned to sand, the dyeing process is performed because the white peel of orange peel is white and it can be dyed in red or green. Red is the use of coloring agents: food red; the green coloring agent is sodium copper chlorophyll, using one-tenth of the raw material. Dissolve with a small amount of water and add sugar to mix. When the thick syrup approaches (ie, recrystallizes), attention must be paid to the slower temperature in order to avoid caramelization. If the product is dark brown, it will fail. After simmering until sugar juice is recrystallized, sugar crystals are required to be uniform and fine. 3. Drying: Finally, send the product to the baking room to continue drying at a temperature of 60°C until the moisture content is 16-18%. 4. Packaging: The finished product can be red or orange or green, purely sweet, with a sugar content of 70-75%. Orange peel aroma, used as a bun or cake filling. Direct consumption of sugar is too high.

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