If Apple can apply for a paper bag patent, then the beef cake has a wedge-shaped hot dog mixed food - Hamdog has no reason not to apply for a patent. Mark Murray is the inventor of Hamdog, and his "Hamburger and Hot Dog Combination Bread" has been awarded US patents in 2009. When Mark Murray presented the invention to the judges at the Australian Winners, no judges moved it, and Mark Murray seriously considered Hamdog to be one of the greatest market innovations of our time. After losing the Wisdom winners program, Mark Murray has now sold Hamdog in the Australian market. Mark Murray said that before applying for a patent, everyone told me that it is impossible for Hamdog to apply for a patent because you need a patent attorney, which will cost millions of dollars. But in the end, Mark Murray applied for a US patent without spending much money. Murray is currently selling the Hamdog franchise to Americans for $10,000 without a dollar, and you can legally sell Hamdog in the US and become a dealer.