According to the report of the “Doctor Network Network Medicine†of the United States on October 11, a new study published in the “Social Index Research†magazine found that eating more fruits and vegetables can improve life satisfaction, mental health and happiness. Professor Sarah Stewart Brown, professor of public health at Warwick University in the UK, and his research team conducted an in-depth analysis of the data from the previous three surveys. A total of 80,000 men and women participated in the intake of fruits and vegetables and exercise habits. Questionnaires on the status of employment and whether smoking, life satisfaction, mental health, whether there are mental illnesses, feelings of happiness, nervousness and depression are questions. The study found that people who eat 7 fruits and vegetables a day (approximately 85 grams each, the weight of a medium-sized banana) have the best mental health. If you eat between 0 and 78 fruits and vegetables daily, your sense of happiness will rise. After the researchers took factors such as exercise habits into consideration, this result is still valid. Professor Brown said that the new study only shows that "there is a correlation between eating more fruits and vegetables and happiness", but the mechanism for the beneficial mental health of eating more fruits and vegetables is still unclear. Another possibility is that happy people will eat more fruits and vegetables. Black Garlic Sause(Paste)
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