Children often eat burgers susceptible to asthma A new study shows that eating too much hamburger coated with many jams and condiments can not only cause arterial blockage, but also increase the risk of asthma and asthma, especially in children. The study, published in the recently published British Medical Journal, states that the so-called Mediterranean diet - eating less fat and other foods like fruits and vegetables, helps prevent asthma-related respiratory diseases. Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. It is usually caused by dust and allergies, which inflames the patient's respiratory tract. Symptoms of this disease include asthma, chest pain, and respiratory contractions. According to the World Health Organization, more than 300 million people around the world suffer from asthma, and about 250,000 people die each year. For some unexplained reasons, asthma patients have been increasing in the past 25 years, especially in rich countries. Researchers at the University of Ulm, Germany, have investigated the health status of 50,000 children aged 8 to 12 years in order to assess the likelihood of diet-induced asthma. These data were collected between 20 and rich countries in the period 1995-2005. Poor countries collect them. The researchers asked parents about their children’s daily diet and whether they were diagnosed with asthma. The study found that eating is not as sensitive as other sneezing allergens such as grass, pollen, and flowering trees. However, diet is indeed related to the onset of asthma and asthma. Eating 3 or more hamburgers per week, together with children rich in sugar, has a much higher probability of developing asthma than other children. However, the researchers pointed out that eating too much hamburger may not be a direct cause of asthma, but an indicator of a lifestyle that consists of many complex factors that can easily cause the disease. This can explain to a certain extent why people in poor countries often eat hamburgers, but they are less likely to suffer from asthma than rich countries. Norfloxacin Nicotinic,Veterinary Soluble Powder,Doxycycline Hcl Powder,Norfloxacin Nicotinic Soluble Powder Shandong Unovet Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. ,