Centrifuges now widely applied to the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries, but the maintenance of centrifuges and we may not be very clear, here to tell you about five centrifuge maintenance centrifuge principle of the maintenance of five principles 1. a rule When the system fails, you can tentatively change some states and change one parameter at a time. For example, to limit the problem of spectral peak de-dimensionality, the mobile phase can be changed sequentially, the guard column can be changed, and the analytical column can be changed. Do some simple changes and maybe solve the problem. The Pig Nipple Drinker It is a new product for animal husbandry. With our nipple drinker, pigs can be fed very easily. You do not have to feed pigs one by one, pig nipple drinker will provide all the pigs with water. The quality of our products is good, we promise to use for more than five years, and the price is very good. For anyone, this is very easy to use. The only thing you need to do is put it into the tube, and then all the pigs can enjoy the water, you can enjoy your free time. When the pig bites it, it supplies water. When the pig does not bite it. Stop water supply, save water, keep water quality fresh.
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2. The second comparison rule The fault has been identified before the hands-on maintenance, or the solution to the fault has been determined. In other words, the solution has been found before the hands-on. For example, during the injection process, the peak value of the internal standard is found to be low, and the repeating injection can be repeated to see how reproducible, if it is accidentally low, whether the bubble is in the quantitative tube. This rule can be used to examine the situation after a system change. After changing the flow backwards, the standard can be fed twice before the formal injection to check the stability of the retention time and the stability of the chromatographic peak. If there are extra peaks in the gradient elution, you can elute once with the no-load gradient (is there really a problem?), use this rule to avoid unnecessary changes and determine corrective actions as soon as possible.
3. Replacement rules It is a good way to find faulty parts by replacing the suspicious parts with good ones. If you suspect that the detector is causing noise, switch to a good performance rotorless vulcanizer detector. If the fault is eliminated, there is a problem with the replaced detector. The scale of this rule application is large and small, from changing the entire part to replacing the integrated blocks on the printed circuit board.
4. Exchange rules This rule is used together with the replacement rule. After the good parts have replaced the suspicious parts of the solution flow rate meter, the situation has not been improved and the original parts should be replaced. The maintenance cost of this is small, and it prevents the used parts from accumulating down the rotorless vulcanizer. This rule only applies to a single fault. The principle of exchange back does not apply to the following situations:
(1) The new part is damaged when removed (eg pump seal washer);
(2) The price of the parts is low (such as the column lining filter);
(3) The risk of damage if the original parts are reinstalled;
(4) Parts that are replaced regularly.
5. Reference condition rules There are usually two reference conditions: 1 standard reference condition; 2 test reference condition.
Standard reference conditions, also known as standard test conditions, are conditions that are easily verifiable from one system to another, from one laboratory to another. The data measured with this condition helps identify problems between actual tests and systems. If the system pressure rises under certain test conditions, the pressure is normal under standard conditions. This indicates that the system of the solution flow rate meter is caused by changes in the laboratory. The table below lists the standard test conditions for enabling a new column, and the system can also be used to check the condition of the system during use. This information comes from /